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Passing RoadBitumen Products

Bitumen is a crucial component of the asphalt we use to build roads, bitumen holds our city streets together and connects cities and countries across vast distances. It provides a backbone for personal and business travel, tourism and logistics.
carefully selected crude oils. A variety of different refining methods produce different kinds of bitumen and allow the manufacturer to produce specific characteristics in the bitumen. Producers often blend multiple crude oils together to produce consistent, high-quality bitumen that meets precise engineering specifications.
Our products rigorously conform to the specifications of ASTM, AASHTO and other international and specially developed specifications and standards. We employ a high caliber Quality control department to ensure our products meet the specifications we undertake to deliver.


Pavements designed and constructed for heavy duty traffic and extreme weather conditions require specially designed and engineered bitumen grades. By enhancing the characteristics of normal bitumen with the addition of a polymer we succeed to obtain modified bitumen that allows the mixture to be more cohesive, with much more strength and significant higher resistance to parameters like fatigue and permanent deformations for road pavements.

PMBs have been successfully used for several decades in the road industry.

Typical Viscosity of Binder overlooking temperature

PMB’s Qualities

  • Greater rigidity
  • Better resistance to permanent deformation
  • Higher resistance to crack propagation
  • Better water resistance
  • Much higher durability


Pavements designed and constructed for heavy duty traffic and extreme weather conditions require specially designed and engineered bitumen grades. By enhancing the characteristics of normal bitumen with the addition of a polymer we succeed to obtain modified bitumen that allows the mixture to be more cohesive, with much more strength and significant higher resistance to parameters like fatigue and permanent deformations for road pavements.

PMBs have been successfully used for several decades in the road industry.

Typical Viscosity of Binder overlooking temperature

PMB’s Qualities

  • Greater rigidity
  • Better resistance to permanent deformation
  • Higher resistance to crack propagation
  • Better water resistance
  • Much higher durability
Passing Road


Cutback Bitumen is made by reducing the viscosity of and ordinary bitumen by adding mostly petroleum type solvent.
Medium Curing (MC)

MC grades cutback asphalt is simply a combination of asphalt cement and petroleum solvent. Like emulsions, cutbacks are used because they reduce asphalt viscosity for lower temperature uses (tack coats, fog seals, slurry seals, stabilization material). Similar to emulsified asphalts, after cutback asphalt is applied the petroleum solvent evaporates leaving behind asphalt cement residue on the surface to which it was applied.

Rapid Curing (RC)

Rapid Curing Cutback Bitumen is made by reducing the viscosity of and ordinary bitumen by adding mostly petroleum type solvent. After a RC cutback is applied the solvent evaporates away and only the Bitumen is left. A rapid curing cutback bitumen is said to cure as the petroleum solvent evaporates. Rapid curing Cutback bitumen are typically used as prime coats and tack coats.

Prime and Tack Coating

The process of priming involves applying a low viscosity binder to a prepared but usually unbound aggregate base. It is intended to be absorbed by the top layers of the base and provide a surface more easily ‘wetted’ by a subsequent bituminous covering. The primer will be able to carry traffic for a short time (although this practice is uncommon) and help control dust. Generally, primers are applied at rates between 0.5 and 1.4 L/m2. Cutback bitumen’s suitable for priming are also used for tack coats, which are applied to an underlying surface to help with the adhesion of subsequent asphalt layer. A typical application rate is between 0.2 and 0.4 L/m2.



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Asphalt emulsions are used in a number of paving applications. Applied by itself, an emulsion can function as a tack coat between layers in a pavement structure or as a fog seal on the pavement surface. In conjunction with spreading aggregate material, an asphalt emulsion may be part of a chip seal or scrub seal. When aggregate and an emulsion are mixed together before application, they can be used for slurry seals or a micro-surfacing treatment.

Bitumen emulsion is a mixture of fine droplets of bitumen and water. But as the bitumen is a petroleum product it doesn’t mix with water and as it is sticky in nature, it doesn’t easily gets disintegrated into fine droplets. To overcome this problem an emulsifier is used.

Emulsifier can be defined as a surface-active agent. Emulsifier keeps the bitumen in its fine droplet state by disallowing it to mix with other droplets. As the droplets are very fine they suspend in water.

Bitumen emulsions can be divided into two classes, in volume terms, is by far the most important:

• Cationic emulsions;
• Anionic emulsions;

The terms cationic bitumen emulsion, anionic bitumen emulsion and nonionic bitumen emulsion refer to the overall particle charge on the bitumen droplet imparted by the emulsifier. If an electric charge is passed through an emulsion containing negatively charged particles of bitumen, the droplets will migrate to the anode; hence the emulsion is termed anionic. Conversely, positively charged particles will migrate to the cathode and these emulsions are known as cationic emulsions.


Pavements designed and constructed for heavy duty traffic and extreme weather conditions require specially designed and engineered bitumen grades. By enhancing the characteristics of normal bitumen with the addition of a polymer we succeed to obtain modified bitumen that allows the mixture to be more cohesive, with much more strength and significant higher resistance to parameters like fatigue and permanent deformations for road pavements.

A waterproofing membrane is a thin layer of water-tight material that is laid over a surface. This layer is continuous and does not allow water to pass through it. For example, on a flat terrace, a waterproofing membrane could be laid above the structural slab and below the finish tiles. This will ensure that water does not seep into the structural slab. The tiles and membrane must be laid over a filler material that is sloped to ensure that water flows into sumps and drains. Any water that remains as puddles over the tiles is likely to seep into the slab over time, so puddles are to be avoided at all costs.

A waterproofing membrane should be strong, flexible, tear-resistant and elastic so that it can stretch to cover cracks and also move with the building. If the membrane is to be exposed to the sun, then it should be UV stable. The membrane should be flexible enough to take any shape it is laid over, and be capable of turning up and over walls and other construction features.

Our waterproofing systems are designed to protect residential and commercial buildings. Bitumen (asphalt or coal-tar pitch) is a mixed substance made up of organic liquids that are highly sticky, viscous, and waterproof. These systems are used to construct roofs, in the form of roofing felt or roll roofing products. Our waterproofing membrane comes on site in the form of rolls manufactures and packed in the factory properly sealed.

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Copyright by Passing Road Group, all rights reserved.